WP Dating Micropayment Gateway

WP Dating Micropayment Addon is the payment plugin by Digital Product Labs. It is a payment plugin built using Micropayment APIs.

Configuration Process


Micropayment Account. If you don’t have one, you can create one by going to this link (https://www.micropayment.de/auth/register):


First Step:

Create a project (https://www.micropayment.de/config/project).

Second Step:

Go to Setup payment methods for this project  on the Actions menu of the project

Third Step:
  1. Select the payment method that you want to set up.
  2. Fill up the form inputs
  3. Notification URL: Your site URL
  4. Parameters: The parameter that will be sent to your site after the payment
    • a. Additional params: (Name: Value)
    • b. wpdating-api: micropayment_notification_url_handler
    • c. my-user-id: $my-user-id
    • d. holder: holder
Fourth Step:

Upload the plugin to your site.

Fifth Step:
  1. Go to Dsp Micropayment on the WPDating Admin menu in the admin panel
  2. Fill out the form inputs for setting

Note: You can find the secret key on the parameter input field of any payment methods setup form.

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